Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Friday, 13 May 2016

The war between the smartphone manufacturing companies has taken a form beyond imagination. Smartphone manufacturers have taken the blend of their legacy and the advancements in the technology to an entire new level. The manufacturers that once used to be competitors have now transformed in to cults. When we talk about cults in technology, there is nothing more exciting than the battle of Android and iOS. We have written a detailed description on the differences between Android and iOS, you may check them here.

Play any video format on your Apple iPhone

There are pros and cons to both Android and iOS. There are a ton of features on our iPhone that we wished existed on our lovely Android too. Okay, we know by stating the previous statement we might have hurt a bunch of Android users, but there is something about iPhones, that makes it irresistible to switch back to Android. However, this is just a personal opinion, your perspective on this can be contradicting and yet right.

One of the problem with iDevices:

That being said, there are a ton of features on our Droid machines that we wish were packed into our iPhones. (Look at those Android fans' sarcastic smile). One such feature or facility, that I badly want on my iPhone is to access the file system. It is really a pain in the neck, back and other parts of the body to sync the entire device for just putting in a single video file.  If you are in to Zen meditation and your years of practice has made you patient to such a level that syncing the iDevice doesn't make you angry,  converting the video to iPhone/iPad/iPod friendly format would definitely irritate you.

So, today let us show you an awesome way to transfer and play any video format on your iPhone.


You would need
  • An iDevice (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch)
  • A Windows or Mac computer.
  • iTunes 9.2+ (However, we recommend you to have the latest version of iTunes)
  • An application on your iDevice called YX Player. You can search for YXPlayer at the App Store. It has a free version and a pro version. We will be using the pro version for the demonstration.

How to transfer & play MKV & AVI Files:

  1. Install YX Player on your iPhone/iPod/iPad
  2. Connect your iPhone/iPod/iPad to your Mac or Windows machine
  3. Open iTunes on your Mac or Windows machine

    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  4. Select the connected device in the iTunes

    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  5. Navigate to Apps, from the left side panel.

    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  6. On the right panel, scroll down until you see File Sharing section.
    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  7. Click on YXPlayer, you will see a structure like this
    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  8. Drag & drop a file of your choice to the root directory of YXPlayer. iTunes would start copying the file.

    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  9. Once, the file gets copied, the structure of the app would look like the below image.

    Play any video format on your Apple iPhone
  10. Hit on Sync. Once the syncing completes, open up YX Player on your iPhone and you would see the video file in the right panel of the main screen. 

Friday, 7 August 2015

In the fall of 1976, Steve jobs along with Steve Wozniak led to the foundation of a small firm named Apple. Apple was initially a computer manufacturing company and was making a fair trade but what gave apple a really distinctive identity was the introduction of portable hardware like iPhones and iPods followed by the revolutionary iPads. The entire innovation thing of Apple Inc. started with the iPhones which totally turned the smartphone family upside down. Since then Apple has never looked back. All of the portable iDevices that gave Apple a bed of roses use the apple's own operating system- iOSApple iPhones with iOS maintained a monopoly in the smartphone race for decades until 2007 when Google purchased a small project which was a powerful Linux based open source operating system to be used in handheld devices like cell phones and tablets. Google named it Android which later proved to be a great deal of success.
Android was readily accepted and hugely appreciated resulting in the extensive sale rates of Android powered cell phones. On the contrary apple iOS rather of being efficient was still beyond the common run of people.

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