In the fall of 1976, Steve jobs along with Steve Wozniak led to the foundation of a small firm named Apple. Apple was initially a computer manufacturing company and was making a fair trade but what gave apple a really distinctive identity was the introduction of portable hardware like iPhones and iPods followed by the revolutionary iPads. The entire innovation thing of Apple Inc. started with the iPhones which totally turned the smartphone family upside down. Since then Apple has never looked back. All of the portable iDevices that gave Apple a bed of roses use the apple's own operating system- iOSApple iPhones with iOS maintained a monopoly in the smartphone race for decades until 2007 when Google purchased a small project which was a powerful Linux based open source operating system to be used in handheld devices like cell phones and tablets. Google named it Android which later proved to be a great deal of success.
Android was readily accepted and hugely appreciated resulting in the extensive sale rates of Android powered cell phones. On the contrary apple iOS rather of being efficient was still beyond the common run of people.
Android was readily accepted and hugely appreciated resulting in the extensive sale rates of Android powered cell phones. On the contrary apple iOS rather of being efficient was still beyond the common run of people.